Remarks and Presentations

Author Title File
José Darío Uribe
Some Relevant Lessons Learned from the Colombian Financial Crisis 1998-1999
XLV Meeting of Central Bank Governors of the American Continent organized by CEMLA. Bank of Canada, Ottawa.
Presentation Mayo 08 2008, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
The Resilience of Latin America to the Current Financial Crisis
¿BRETTON WOODS II en dificultades? Banco de España, Madrid, España.
Remarks Abril 18 2008,
José Darío Uribe
Policy challenges facing central bankers in Latin America
Emerging Markets – Spring Lecture Series
Remarks Abril 06 2008,
José Darío Uribe
Contribution to Panel: Inflation-Targeting in an Uncertain External Backdrop
Latin American Investor Conference organized by Merrill Lynch. Inter American Development Bank Meeting.
Remarks Abril 05 2008, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Monetary Policy in Colombia
Working paper for a meeting with the Governor of Banco de la República, the Finance Minister of Colombia and members of the Trade Council.
Remarks Marzo 05 2008,
José Darío Uribe
Remarks at the Colombian American Association
Remarks Octubre 17 2007, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Globalization and Colombia’s Policy Framework
Conferencia de la Asociación de Economía de América Latina y el Caribe (LACEA) 
Remarks Octubre 04 2007, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Remarks at the Bear Stearns 2007 Colombia Conference
Remarks Septiembre 28 2007, Cartagena, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Bear Stearns 2007 Colombia Conference Presentation
Intervención del doctor José Darío Uribe Escobar, Gerente General del Banco de la República, ante un grupo de inversionistas internacionales reunidos en la…
Presentation Septiembre 28 2007, Cartagena, Colombia
Javier Pérez
Population and Zipf’s Law in Colombia and the Colombian Caribbean Coast, 1912-1993
  Presentación de Javier Pérez en el 53rd North American Meeting Toronto, Ontario, Canada  
Presentation Noviembre 16 2006,
Library of The Board of Directors´ Report to the Congress of Colombia Inflation Reports Financial Stability Report Foreign Reserve Managment Sustainability Reports Working Papers