Remarks and Presentations

Author Title File
José Darío Uribe
Governor’s Presentation of the September 2014 Inflation Report (Available only in Spanish)
Presentación: Informe de política monetaria y rendición de cuentas (746 KB) Febrero 14 2014, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Governor’s Presentation of the September 2014 Inflation Report (Available only in Spanish)
Presentación: Informe de política monetaria y rendición de cuentas (746 KB) Febrero 14 2014, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Global Liquidity, Capital Flows and Policy Coordination
Fifth Summit Meeting of Central Banks on Inflation Targeting “Global Liquidity, Capital Flows and Policy Coordination” organized by Banco Central de…
Remarks Noviembre 20 2013, Santiago de Chile, Chile
José Darío Uribe
International Conference “Central Bank Independence: Progress and challenges” organized by the Bank of Mexico
Presented during Session 5: Independence of Central Banks: Design and Implementation.
Remarks Octubre 15 2013, México D. F., México
Alan Finkelstein Shapiro
Employment and Business Cycle Persistence: Does the Composition of Employment Matter for Economic Recoveries?
Remarks Octubre 2013,
Fernando Arias, Daira Garrido, Daniel Parra, Hernán Rincón
Do the Different Types of Capital Flows Respond to the Same Fundamentals and in the Same Degree? Recent evidence for emerging markets
The international crisis by the end of the previous decade brought very important changes in terms of degree, size, and volatility of capital flows to emerging…
Remarks Julio 10 2013, Bogotá, Colombia
José Darío Uribe
Notes for Session III: “The Great Experimentation with Macro and Micro Prudential Policies”
  Presented at IV Annual Conference of the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee
Remarks Julio 03 2013, Cuzco, Perú
José Darío Uribe
Internationalization of Colombian Banks: Recent Developments and Challenges for Supervision
Paper presented at BIS Annual Meeting of Central Bank Governors.
Remarks Junio 22 2013, Basilea, Suiza
Ana Fernanda Maiguashca
The New Capital Markets Regulation in Colombia
Presented in New York.
Presentation Junio 2013, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
José Darío Uribe
Normalization of Monetary Policy in Industrialized Economies and the Possible Effects on Latin America and the Caribbean
Presentation by the Governor of the Banco de la República of Colombia, José Darío Uribe at the XCV Meeting of Governors of Central Banks of CEMLA for the…
Mayo 15 2013, Washington, Estados Unidos
Library of The Board of Directors´ Report to the Congress of Colombia Inflation Reports Financial Stability Report Foreign Reserve Managment Sustainability Reports Working Papers