New Deadlines and Conditions for the 2020-2021 Essay Contest

Changes in terms and conditions of the Essay Contest 2020-2021 “De la banca central a la banca escolar”.

The Economic Education Section hereby informs that the deadlines and conditions of the essay contest “De la banca escolar a la banca central” have been modified to ensure the participation of every school in the country. Please read the following information carefully:

New Deadlines

  • Digital reception of essays: 10 November 2020*
  • Publication of semi-finalists: Monday, 1 March 2021
  • Publication of finalists: Monday, 5 April 2021
  • Defense and Awarding Ceremony (virtual or in person): May 2021

*Students who are currently in grades 11 or 12 and who will graduate in the first half of 2020 must send their essays before their date of graduation.


Please take into account that the grade levels to which students can belong vary according to the academic calendar:

“Calendar A” students can participate provided that:

  • They are enrolled in grades 10, 11, or 12 in November 2020.

“Calendar B” students can participate if:

  • They are enrolled in grades 11 or 12 in the first semester of 2020.*
  • They are enrolled in grades 10, 11, or 12 in November 2020.

*Students currently in grades 11 or 12 who will graduate in the first semester of 2020 must send their essays before the date of graduation.

Students in calendars A and B may defend their essays in May 2021, even if they have already graduated from high school.

How to send the essay?

The new conditions for the contest establish that the essay may only be delivered digitally (by e-mail, at:

See the new deadlines and conditions at:

If you need any clarification or further information concerning the new terms of the contest, please email us at with the subject: “Questions about the Banca Escolar contest.”

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