Meeting of the Board of Directors, December 2020 - Policy Rate Decision

Activities of the Board of Directors

Trasmisión en tiempo real de la rueda de prensa que se hace inmediatamente termina la reunión de la Junta Directiva. En esta trasmisión se informan la decisiones de política monetaria a través de la lectura del comunicado de prensa y las respuestas a las preguntas que los medios de comunicación formulen de manera virtual a los voceros.

At its meeting on 30 August 2019, the Board of Directors of Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) adopted a new communication scheme for monetary policy decisions. The purpose of these changes is to facilitate the understanding of the decisions by the markets and the general public.

One week before the meeting of the Board of Directors (BDBR)

Media Blackout Period

Day of the meeting of the Board of Directors

Benchmark Interest Rate Decision

Working day following the meeting of the BDBR

Publication of the Minutes of the BDBR

Wednesday following the meeting of the BDBR