Inflation Report - June 2013

Tenga en cuenta

La Constitución Política de Colombia y el artículo 14 de la Ley 31 de 1992 asignan al Banco de la República la función de administrar las reservas internacionales. Las opiniones y posibles errores son responsabilidad exclusiva del autor y sus contenidos no comprometen al Banco de la República ni a su Junta Directiva.

Autor o Editor
José Darío Uribe
Hernando Vargas
Jorge Toro
Carlos Huertas
Adolfo Cobo
Juan Sebastián Amador
Óscar Ávila
Édgar Caicedo
Camilo Cárdenas
Joan Granados
Daniel Parra

In the Inflation Report, the Central Bank's technical staff analyzes the situation of the economy and inflation, and their mid and long-term outlook. Based on this, the staff provides insights to the Board of Directors on the recommended monetary policy stance.

Fecha de publicación

External demand during the first half of 2013 was somewhat weaker than expected. In the United States, our largest trading partner, the increase in private spending is being offset partly by fiscal consolidation, which has led to a slight decline in the forecast for that country’s growth. The contraction in Europe persists, while a quick recovery of productive activity was observed in Japan. Growth in many of the emerging economies of Asia and Latin America is still strong, although less so than expected.

Updated: 02/09/2013 2:25 p.m.

Library of The Board of Directors´ Report to the Congress of Colombia Inflation Reports Financial Stability Report Foreign Reserve Managment Sustainability Reports Working Papers