Forty Economics Students to Participate in the 2021 Central Banking Course

See the list of students who will be part of the Central Banking Course organized by Banco de la República and the Economics Researchers Network.

After a rigorous admission exam and selection process, Banco de la República and the Economics Researchers Network announced the list of 40 economics students from various universities throughout the country, who were chosen to participate in the Central Banking Course to be held on July 14-23, 2021.

The course will introduce them to economic concepts and models that allow for an understanding of how monetary policy works, some of its theoretical foundations, and its interaction with the general macroeconomic environment. It also will delve into aspects of the workings and decisions of a central bank.

By the end of the course, the students will be able to understand and interpret the monetary policy decisions of central banks, their macroeconomic implications, and to analyze them with the help of formal tools.

In the next few days, the organizers will contact the selected students via e-mail to provide them with all the information they need take part in this advanced academic program.

First and middle names Surname University Region 
Juliana Lalinde Velásquez Universidad EAFIT Antioquia
Luis Felipe  Gaviria Gil Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín) Antioquia
Nicolás Montoya González Universidad de Antioquia Antioquia
Valentina  Marín Quintero Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellín) Antioquia
Danilo Rodríguez Arango Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana Antioquia
Elizabeth  Martínez Díaz Universidad del Atlántico Caribbean Coast
Marilén Paola Mendoza Manjarres Universidad del Atlántico Caribbean Coast
Luis Carlos  Castro Rojas Universidad del Atlántico Caribbean Coast
Roberto Andrés  Gómez Mercado Universidad del Atlántico Caribbean Coast
Luis Gustavo  González Álvarez Universidad de Sucre Caribbean Coast
Fabián Andrés Ramírez Roberto Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) Central Region
Marian Fernanda  Ramírez Moreno Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) Central Region
Juan Camilo Laborde Vera Universidad de los Andes Central Region
Nicolás  Munévar Miranda Universidad de los Andes Central Region
María Alejandra  Suárez Fernández  Universidad Externado de Colombia Central Region
Juan Pablo Rodríguez Cardona Universidad Externado de Colombia Central Region
Andrés Felipe Rubio Delgado Universidad del Rosario Central Region
Daniel Felipe García Castro Universidad del Rosario Central Region
Juan Esteban  Grimaldos León Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Central Region
Laura Forero Triana Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) Central Region
Kevin Felipe Sierra Castro Universidad Sergio Arboleda Central Region
Álvaro José Martínez Monroy Universidad Sergio Arboleda Central Region
María Alejandra Morales Pachón Universidad de la Sabana Central Region
Laura Daniela Gutiérrez Cáceres Universidad de la Sabana Central Region
Juan Esteban  Amaris Rojas Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito Central Region
Juan José Osorio Tamayo Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá) Central Region
Brandon Javier Guevara Hurtado Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Colombia Central Region
Nicolás Andrés Galindo López Universidad de San Buenaventura (Bogotá) Central Region
Alejandro Tapasco Bueno Universidad Libre (Pereira) Coffee Region
Leidy Lorena  Perdomo Esquivel Universidad del Tolima Ibagué and Neiva
Juan Fernando Cardozo Bohórquez Universidad de Ibagué Ibagué and Neiva
Yolima Jaime Osorio Universidad Surcolombiana Ibagué and Neiva
Laura Fernanda Quintero Rivera Universidad Industrial de Santander Northeast
Miguel Ángel Sáenz Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga Northeast
Cristian Fernando Sanabria Bautista Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Northeast
Santiago Dorado Díaz Universidad Javeriana (Cali) Southwest
Juan Camilo Pájaro Gallego Universidad del Valle Southwest
María Paula Merchán Gómez Universidad Icesi Southwest
Andrea Del Mar  Domínguez Muñoz Universidad del Cauca Southwest
Leydi Johana  Jamioy Jamioy Universidad de Nariño Southwest

We appreciate the participation of hundreds of students and invite them to stay tuned for new invitations to educational opportunities in economics announced on our website ( and through our social networks. You can also reinforce your learning through the Macroeconomics and Central Banking Departments.

More information:
Communication and Economic Education Department

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