Purchase / Sale of Foreign Currency and TES and TES Portfolio of Banco de la República - December 2019
Banco de la República (BR) hereby informs that it did not perform any purchase or sale of foreign currency in the exchange market in December 2019.
During the same month, BR did not make definitive purchases or sales of TES B in the market. However, the TES portfolio reduced due to a transfer to the autonomous equity that backs BR's pension liabilities. Specifically, TES denominated in UVR were transferred for a nominal value of UVR 754 million.
At the end of December, the balance of TES B held by BR was $15,221.4 b (market price value).
The Central Bank's portfolio (expressed in nominal values) is composed of TES denominated in Colombian pesos ($11,831.6 billion) and TES denominated in UVR (UVR 6.9 billion).
In January 2020, there are no maturities of TES B held by BR.
The balance of the Central Bank's portfolio by the end of June 2019 is shown below:
Term | Pesos | UVR |
Up to 2 years | 1.320 | 311 |
Over 2 and up to 5 years | 1.790 | 372 |
Over 5 years | 6.561 | 872 |
Total | 9.671 | 1.555 |
Nominal values in COP (b). |