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Financial Development and Monetary Policy Transmission


Financial Stability Report

The Financial Stability Report outlines the Bank’s assessment of the recent performance of credit institutions and their debtors, as well as the main risks and vulnerabilities that could affect the financial stability of the…

Fiscal effects of the minimum wage in Colombia


Fiscal outlook of Colombian pensions


Global value chains, growth and tariff protectionism in Colombia

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors




Gross capital flows of portfolio of non-residents and residents and the role of monetary policy


Heterogeneous effects of agricultural technical assistance in Colombia


Heterogeneous Returns of Informality: Evidence From Brazil


Inflation and Covid-19: an exercise for Colombia


The covid-19 pandemic distorted the pattern of household consumption. Consequently, the official fixed basket CPI could be measuring inaccurately the evolution of inflation. The exercise presented in this document, was to update the weighting structure of the basket with alternative…

Inflation Report - December 2012

At the end of 2012 annual inflation stood at 2.4%, lower than the long-term target (3%) and within the year’s target range (2%-4%) (Graph A). Fourth-quarter inflation results were lower than average market expectations and also below the rates expected by Banco de la República’s technical staff…

Is the Covid-19 Pandemic Fast-Tracking Automation in Developing Countries? Evidence from Colombia


ISAE: An Indicator to Monitor Colombian Economic Activity in High Frequency


Latin American Falls, Rebounds and Tail Risks


Macroeconomic imbalances in Colombia and by institutional sectors, 1975-2021: Who saves and who dissaves?


Monetary Policy and Portfolio Flows in an Emerging Market Economy


Natural Resource Windfalls: Effects in Non-producing Areas


One Hundred Years of Subnational Public Finances in Colombia


Payment Systems Report - 2016

In this seventh edition of the Payment Systems Report, the boxes focus on three topics of interest to the industry that renders payments clearing and settlement services as well as to those taking part in them. First, the international debate revolving around the optimal capital level of Central…

Policy Panel: Emerging Markets Risks and Capital Flows - The effects of Monetary Policy on Capital Flows

Emerging and Frontier Markets: Capital Flows, Resiliency, Risks, and Growth - Supported by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), and Banco de la República (The Central Bank of Colombia)

Presentation "Inflation Expectations: Do we have all the story?

Presentation made in 10th Annual Conference: Is inflation back, and in which form?, Swiss Geneva