Banco de la República leads the ranking of institutions and economists in the field of macroeconomics in Latin America

According to RePEc, Colombia's central bank ranked 26th in the global ranking as of July 2022.

Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) is the leading institution in Latin America according to the “10% Institutions and Economists in the Field of Macroeconomics” list of Research Papers in Economics (RePEc), an initiative that seeks to promote the dissemination of research in Economics and related areas.

According to the publication of IDEAS, which is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics, and data from RePEc, Colombia's central bank stands out among more than 4,100 institutions because of the work of its researchers.

Banco de la República considers research to be fundamental for the fulfillment of its constitutional mandate and indispensable for decision-making. It also contributes to public understanding of the economy. For this reason, it has a dedicated research team and a larger group of researchers by department.

See the ranking at Economics Field Rankings: Macroeconomics | IDEAS/RePEc

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