Managing and operating the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Cartagena (Colombia): the duality of Transcaribe

Autor o Editor
Jaime Bonet-Morón
Lucas Wilfried Hahn-De-Castro

The working paper series Documentos de Trabajo sobre Economía Regional y Urbana is published by Banco de la República (Central Bank of Colombia). The findings and opinions are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of Banco de la República or its Board of Directors.

Fecha de publicación

The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Banco de la República or its Board of Directors..




The accelerated growth of urban population in Colombia during the last decades has created a challenge to public transportation systems in cities across the country. This document presents a case study of Transcaribe, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that operates in Cartagena, Colombia. Transcaribe was created to supply public transportation services that are environmentally friendly and more organized than the previous system of buses. In order to do so, the institution has to both manage and operate a portion of the system. The implementation of Transcaribe presented major challenges regarding its operational design and the construction of infrastructure, as well as current financial considerations that deteriorate its solvency. New sources of funding should be considered to guarantee its financial sustainability, such as the investment of public local resources to increase long-term demand for the system.