Box 2: What Explains the Acceleration in the CPI for Non-Tradables, Excluding Food and Regulated Items?

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Los análisis y pronósticos incluidos en este informe son producidos por el equipo técnico del Banco. Es la base principal sobre la cual se realiza la recomendación de política monetaria a la Junta Directiva del Banco de la República (JDBR) y por estas razones no refleja necesariamente la opinión de sus miembros.

Autor o Editor
Édgar Caicedo
Nicolás Martínez

Since July last year and after several quarters of steady declines, the annual change in the consumer price index (CPI) for non-tradables, excluding food and regulated items (NT-EFR), tended to stabilize up to November 2014, then adopted a rising trend that became more pronounced at the start of 2015 (Graph B2.1).This occurred at the same time as economic growth and aggregate demand experienced a setback and with an output gap that has entered negative territory, according to the estimates shown in Chapter 4 of this report.