Qué hacemos

El Banco de la República es un órgano del Estado de naturaleza única, con autonomía administrativa, patrimonial y técnica, que ejerce las funciones de banca central. Según la Constitución, el principal objetivo de la política monetaria es preservar la capacidad adquisitiva de la moneda, en coordinación con la política económica general, entendida como aquella que propende por estabilizar el producto y el empleo en sus niveles sostenibles de largo plazo. En ejercicio de esta función adopta las medidas de política que considere necesarias para regular la liquidez de la economía y facilitar el normal funcionamiento del sistema de pagos, velando por la estabilidad del valor de la moneda.

Las funciones especiales asignadas al Banco comprenden la de regular la moneda, los cambios internacionales y el crédito, emitir la moneda legal colombiana, administrar las reservas internacionales, ser prestamista y banquero de los establecimientos de crédito y servir como agente fiscal del Gobierno. Como parte de sus funciones, el Banco también contribuye a la generación de conocimiento y a la actividad cultural del país.

   Conozca nuestra gestión basada en macroprocesos.

1. Monetary, Foreign Exchange Intervention and Credit Policy
The purpose of monetary policy in Colombia is to keep inflation low and stable and to achieve the highest sustainable level of output and employment.  In doing so, monetary policy fulfills the constitutional mandate to maintain the purchasing power of the… [ + ] información
The strategy behind Banco de la República’s policy is to keep inflation low and stable, as well as to reach output levels near its potential value.   Its policy also helps to preserve the financial and payment system stability. Exchange rate flexibility is… [ + ] información
1. Law 31 of 1992 constitutes the general reference for exercise of the functions attributed to Banco de la República in its capacity as the Central Bank of Colombia and to its Board of Directors (BDBR) as the country’s credit authority. On several occasions… [ + ] información
2. Other Functions
  The professional expertise and operating structure of the Bank has enabled it to support simultaneously the scientific, social and cultural development of the country through the creation of foundations designed to select, finance and otherwise stimulate… [ + ] información
  The currency-issuing attribute, characteristic of the Nation’s monetary sovereignty, is exclusive to the Banco de la República and can not be delegated. This attribute has materialised by means of various contracts, with the authorisation of Congress.  
  As with any central bank, the Banco de la República plays the role of banker of banks. On one hand, it is the depository of the money allocated in fulfilment of the bank reserve requirements, which serve to regulate the credit-issuing capacity of the… [ + ] información
  It is the Banco de la República’s responsibility to administer the country’s international reserves, including management, investment, safekeeping and disposal of reserve assets. Investment takes place principally by following the criteria of security and… [ + ] información
  The Banco de la República fulfils these duties by receiving funds in deposit from the Nation and public entities under the conditions established by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the Banco de la República may act as fiscal agent in the negotiation of… [ + ] información