News and Publications

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Externalities of extreme natural disasters on local tax capacity


Extreme weather events and high Colombian food prices: A non-stationary extreme value approach


Fifty years of the department of Sucre


Financial Markets Report - Second Quarter of 2019 (Available in Spanish only)

Banco de la República (BR) generates information intended for decision-making, accountability, and dissemination to the public. In particular, the Financial Markets Report is framed within the principle of dissemination to the public and contributes to the Central Bank's service of providing…

Financial Stability Report - Second Semester 2019

This Financial Stability Report (FSR) presents the Central Bank’s appreciation on the recent performance of credit institutions and their debtors, as well as on the main risks and vulnerabilities that could affect the financial stability of the Colombian economy. The FSR intends to keep the…

Financial Stability Report - September 2015

From this edition, the Financial Stability Report will have fewer pages with some changes in its structure. The purpose of this change is to present the most relevant facts of the financial system and their implications on the financial stability. This allows displaying the analysis more…

Financial Stability Report for - Second Semester of 2020

The Colombian financial system has not suffered major structural disruptions during these months of deep economic contraction and has continued to carry out its basic functions as usual, thus facilitating the economy's response to extreme conditions. This is the result of the soundness of…

Financial Stability Report for the First Half of 2021 (Only in Spanish)

Poco más de un año después del comienzo de una pandemia global, esta edición del Reporte de Estabilidad Financiera ofrece un balance del papel del sistema financiero en la respuesta de la economía colombiana a la emergencia sanitaria, así como un análisis de su situación de cara a la…

Financial Stability Report Presentation - First semester 2020

Reporte de Estabilidad Financiera - 20 de mayo de 2020 from Banco de la República - Colombia on Vimeo.

Fiscal impact of the Venezuelan migration

The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Banco de la República or its Board of Directors..




Forward Looking Loan Provisions: Credit Supply and Risk-Taking

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors. 

Geographic Isolation and Learning in Rural Schools


Government Borrowing and Crowding Out


Heterogeneity in the Returns to Tertiary Education for the Disadvantage Youth: Quality vs. Quantity Analysis

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors. 

Heterogeneity in the use of intraday liquidity sources in the large-value payment system


Hidden benefits of peace: The case of sexual violence

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors. 

Historical Deterioration of the Labor Market due to the Health Crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic brought about an unprecedented deterioration of the Colombian labor market, both in terms of its pace and magnitude. About a quarter of pre-crisis employment was destroyed in March and April, and while a slight upturn in occupation occurred in May, its annual falls continue…

How Did the Regional Economies Perform in the First Quarter of 2021?


(Bogotá D.C., Cundinamarca)

How Did the Regional Economies Perform in the Fourth Quarter of 2020?


(Bogotá D.C., Cundinamarca)

How do the Tax Burden and the Fiscal Space in Latin America look like? Evidence through Laffer Curves

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors.